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Performing Arts

Miss María

May 19th, 2017

Final Task

Performing Arts 
Teacher: María José Martínez Vega

Summative Assessment

Title: Art concepts
(Composition, Expression, Interpretation, Representation and Context)

Student’s Name:___________________________________________________

Art Process Journal Reflection

Task Instructions:
Answer the following questions using your google drive account (docs). 
Due date: Wednesday, May 24th, 2017 
Send the document to

Write a minimum of 2 paragraphs per answer. 

1. Define each art concept using 3 words. Explain why you chose these words. (Tip: Read the definition and synthesise it. Find keywords in the definition).
2. Explain how the 5 art concepts and the 11 performance criteria can strengthen a work of art (a scene).
3. Which of the 5 art concepts and the 11 performance criteria do you think is the most important and why? 

4. What makes a  performance a good performance? 



i. identify connections between art forms, art and context, or art and prior learning
ii. recognize that the world contains inspiration or
influence for art
iii. evaluate certain elements or principles of artwork. 

Your written reflection demonstrates a weak understanding of the 5 art concepts, the 11 performance criteria, and the usage of these within theatre games. Weak spelling, and grammar
Your written reflection demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the 5 art concepts, the 11 performance criteria, and the usage of these within theatre games. Satisfactory spelling and grammar
Your written reflection demonstrates good understanding of the 5 art concepts, the 11 performance criteria, and the usage of these within theatre games. Good spelling and grammar
Your written reflection demonstrates a strong understanding of the 5 art concepts, the 11 performance criteria, and the usage of these within theatre games. Great spelling and grammar

11 Performance Criteria

Performing Arts 
Teacher: María José Martínez Vega

Summative Assessment
theatre games / performances rubric

Student Name:___________________________________________________

Weak (1-2)
Satisfactory (3-4)
Good (5-6)
Excellent (7-8)
Does not follow any instructions
Follows some instructions
Follows most instructions
Follows all instructions 

Participation /collaboration
Is not willing to participate
Sometimes is willing to participate
Most of the time is willing to participate
Participates all the time

Creative problem solving
Doesn't not contribute with ideas and suggestions during the creation process
Rarely contributes with ideas and suggestions during the creation process
Most of the time contributes with ideas and suggestions during the creation process
Always contributes with ideas and suggestions during the creation process

Not focused on task
Sometimes focused on the task; often distracted
Focused on the task most of the time
Very focused; not distracted from task at all

Pacing / Flow
Task appeared unpracticed
Satisfactory flow and timing; more practice required 
Task appeared well practiced; good flow & timing
Task appeared very well practiced; superb flow & timing

Attention to detail
Little efforts put forth to make the task clear & believable; very few details of the performance were considered 
A number of actions were unclear; little attention was paid to the details of the performance 
Most actions in the task were clear and believable; some attention was paid to the details of the performance
Extremely clear and believable; great attention was paid to the details of the performance 

Vocal Projection
Could not understand the spoken text
Hard to understand the majority of the spoken text 
Mostly clear and easy to understand; but some words or phrases were too quiet or mumbled
Clear, expressive, articulate, and appropriate use of voice and volume

Staging / Blocking
Ineffective use of space; little evidence of blocking
Satisfactory use of stage: some work needed on blocking
Very good use of stage space; action directed to intended audience
Excellent use of stage space; action always directed to intended audience 

Actions appear to have no connection to each other
Actions rarely complement each other
Actions complement each other most of the time 
Actions complement each other extremely well 

Use of levels, costumes, props, and characterization
No acting skills /techniques or other elements were integrated
A few acting skills /techniques or other elements were integrated
Some acting skills /techniques or other elements were integrated
Different acting skills /techniques or other elements were integrated

Group Work
Group organization, and good working relationships among the members was missing
Group organization, and good working relationships among the members could be better
Group organization, and good working relationships among the members was noticed
Group organization and good working relationships among the members was perfectly achieved

Objective B: Developing skills

i. demonstrate the acquisition and development of the skills and techniques of the art form studied 
ii. demonstrate the application of skills and techniques to create, perform and/or present art.
 Objective C: Thinking Creatively 
i. develop a feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent artistic intention 
ii. demonstrate a range and depth of creative-thinking behaviours 

iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas to shape artistic intention through to a point of realization. 
Miss María

May 9th, 2017

Students who want to repeat vocabulary test #1 will get the opportunity to take the test on Friday, May 12, 2017.


Miss Maria

Please revise the following concepts and their definitions for your vocabulary test #1 on Tuesday, April 25th.

5 Art concepts and definitions:

  1. Composition: The intentional organization or contrast, balance, arrangement or awareness of the elements and principles of art for a particular purpose in the creation of art. These may include tension and release, repetition and variety, unison and harmony, sound and silence, theme and variation, and dynamics and energy.
  2. Expression: The representation of feelings and emotions, ideas, thoughts, beliefs, values, and opinions in the process of visual or physical articulation. It can include signs, symbols, semiotics or any other imagery to capture the artist's intention. It is something you do, create or play that shows what you think or feel. Expression facilitates the communication of an idea.
  3. Interpretation: The understanding of experiences and events mainly through the reference frame of our own reality and contexts. The understanding of the meaning of an artist’s creative work and artistic expressions. An artist’s distinctive personal version expressed by stylistic individuality.
  4. Representation: The description, depiction or portrayal of a person, group, place or item in a particular way or as being of a certain nature. An image or likeness.
    5. Context: The facts or circumstances that surround an event or situation.